Broken offlineimap in Fedora 11

The offlineimap package in Fedora 11 is somehow broken. It does not really match the python version installed and produces a lot of deprecated warnings, at least one concerning SSL and one concerning md5 library:

DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
import os.path, os, re, time, socket, md5

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mutt und msmtp in einem disconnected/offline-Szenario

Folgendes Szenario: Ein Notebook das nicht immer Internet-Verbindung hat. Verwendet werden an Software msmtp, mutt und offlineimap. Gewünschter Zielzustand ist es, Mails für verschiedene Accounts offline schreiben zu können, in einer Queue zu halten und beim online-Gehen an die entsprechenden SMTP-Server abzuliefern.

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Check email addresses on SMTP level

New tool smtpcheckaddresses – it checks given email addresses on SMTP level.

The intended use is to validate a MX email server configuration when it comes to email addresses / domains. E.g. during a migration just before going in production one might to check that all configured email address are accepted
and not bouncing. accpepts a list of email addresses in a text file, one line per address. For each address it then opens a connection to a given host and checks the return code for the “RCPT TO” command. If the return code is in the range 200 to 299 the email address is assumed to be "OK".

Additionally when given the -s option it sends a short test email to the addresses so you can check that mails are really delivered locally and not relayed. It is wise to provide also some email addresses which must fail. was hacked together in about one hour. So don’t expect much error/exception handling. Needless to say that you use it at your own risk.