Broken offlineimap in Fedora 11

The offlineimap package in Fedora 11 is somehow broken. It does not really match the python version installed and produces a lot of deprecated warnings, at least one concerning SSL and one concerning md5 library:

DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
import os.path, os, re, time, socket, md5

Apart from that the terminal is really mangled during and after the run of offlineimap.

If you don’t mind about non-working automatic updates, you can grab the RPM from Fedora 12 (it is a newer upstream version where the deprecated warning were fixed):

rpm -vF

But even in the newest offlineimap version the terminal keeps being broken after exiting the programm (already described in the bug tracker). Quick’n dirty hack:

alias offlineimap='offlineimap;reset'